Lesson Planning of Paragraph Development Subject English Grade 3rd


Lesson Planning of Paragraph Development

Subject English

Grade 3rd

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Students will recognize that:
  • Sentences joint to make paragraph.
  • Sentences join to make sense in relation to each other.
  • Students will identify paragraphs as larger meaningful unit of expression, representing unity of thought.
  • Students will show the relationship between sentences in a paragraph (plus reinforcement)

Information for Teachers

  • Words, in a meaningful arrangement, make a sentence.
  • The sentences, related to a common idea, make a paragraph.
  • The main idea of the paragraph is expressed in a sentence, known as the topic sentence. It helps the reader to guess what the paragraph is about.
  • The greater part of the paragraph (body) deals with the details about what is stated in the topic sentence.
  • The conclusion or the final part summarizes the connections between the information discussed in the body of the paragraph and the topic sentence.
  • Relate the process of combining sentences to make a paragraph with a familiar activity, like joining bricks to make a wall or joining the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle to make a picture.
  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult the textbook at all steps where and when required.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk /marker, duster, set of sample sentences; template for writing a paragraph, illustration showing connection through joining hands


  • Explain the word order in a simple statement.
  • Use simple sentences, as such;

    1. My cat is fat.
    2. Ahmad is a farmer.
    3. I go to school.

  • Divide a chart paper in four pieces to make square cards.
  • Write one word on separate card mix the word.
  • Now pick four students and ask them to come to the front of the class.
  • Tell them to hold a card and stand in a line facing the class.
  • Tell the rest of the class to decide who needed to move where to make a sensible sentence.
  • Ask the students to re-read the sentence each time to see if it makes sense until it is finally in the right order.
  • Use set, I, given in the resource for introductory activity to discuss coherence or interlink among simple statements.


Activity 1

  • Write the following paragraph on the board:
  • Paragraph _1


  • Explain to the students that sentences are joined to make a paragraph. All sentences in a paragraph show a relation. Each sentence in a paragraph gives a single idea or thought Activity 1.
  • Discuss paragraph 1 with the students.
  • Explain to the students that usually the first sentence of a paragraph shows the main idea of the paragraph. It can also be called topic sentence.
  • Tell the students that a combination of sentences which don`t have the same idea is not a paragraph, as such;

My school is in Satellite Town Bahawalpur.  Ali likes to play with his friends. Ducks are in the pond. My mother cooks delicious food.

Activity 2

  • Use paragraph I & II, for practice.
  • Arrange the class in small groups of 4-5 students.
  • Write five sentences of a paragraph on a paper and cut into strips, each strip containing one complete sentence. 
  • Distribute one set of sentences to each group.
  • Students arrange the strips in sequence. This will form a paragraph.
  • Ask one student from each group to read out the completed paragraph.
  • The whole class claps for the group which correctly completes its task first.
  • Ask each group which sentence is the most important in their paragraph. Define this as the topic sentence.
  • Explain the students that a topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph.
  • All the sentences in the paragraph are related to the topic sentence.

Activity 3

Draw the following template on the board.

Write the topic sentence and ask the students to organize sentences in order to make a paragraph.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Explain the difference between the sentences that aren`t related to each other and those which are related.
  • Ask the students;
  • Which are more interesting?


  •  which are easier to remember?


  • Give different topics to the student and encourage them to speak 4-5 sentences on each topic. Make a note of common errors while the students are speaking and discuss them at the end of the class so that the students know their mistakes. Appreciate students.
  • Involve the students in solving problems given in exercise at the end of unit/ chapter.

Follow up

  • Write a paragraph of 4-6 sentences on “At the Fair’
  • Ask students to think:

    1. What kind of thing do they see at a fair?
    2. What things they lie to do at the fair?

  • Ask them to write that in paragraph form by using the words from the word bank.


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