Lesson Planning of Poems Subject English Grade 3rd


Lesson Planning of Poems

Subject English

Grade 3rd

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Write a simple poem using a list of rhyming words.

Information for Teachers

  • Recall the lesson on rhyming words.
  • If two words end in the same sound they are called rhyming words.
  • They are used in poetry to provide a musical effect.
  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult the textbook at all steps where it is required.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, textbook, sample of nursery rhymes (attached at the end of lesson plan)


  • Ask the students to think of any nursery rhymes they know.
  • Ask the class to sing aloud a nursery rhyme that most of them or all of them know about.
  • Ask them to recall / think of the rhyming words it has.
  • Tell the class to think of and make different lists of rhyming words, for example: ‘at’ / ‘an’ / ‘ap’ / ‘un’ words.
  • Ask the students to write a poem using any one out of the following series of words: ‘at’ / ‘an’/ ‘ap’ / ‘un’ etc. it is the list of same rhyming words created by them during ‘rhyming words’ lesson plan teaching.
  • Suggest a few topics for writing their poems. For example: Rain, Cat, Sun etc.

Suggested Questions:

    1. What do you like about this rhyme / song?
    2. Have you noticed anything special about these rhymes? (Rhyming words, last words that have the same sound / matching sounds)
    3. When you write something that has rhyming words it is called a poem.
    4. Can you write a poem of your own? Allow students to work in groups to write a poem. Or ask them to work in pairs and develop a poem.

  • They can also select a group of rhyming words from the word bank on the board.


Activity 1

  • Divide the class in small groups of 4-5 students. Or ask the students to work in pairs and create their own poems.
  • Ask the students to write a poem on any one of the topic given below:

Rain, Sun, Cat

  • Ask them to select one topic of their choice. (Teacher can give any other topic as well depending on students` choice.)
  • Ask the student to write poems of minimum 4 lines.
  • Ask them to check their work (edit) and re-write the poem neatly in notebooks.
  • Ask one member from a few groups / pairs to read aloud their poems.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Appreciate the students for their poems.
  • Discuss with them the way they have used rhyming words. For example:

    1. What do you think about the rhyming words different pairs have used?
    2. Was it good?
    3. Which poem out of the ones read aloud did you like the most? Why?
    4. Which poem was having good rhyming words?
    5. Did you like the effect of the rhyming words in the poems you listened to?

  • Illustrate the poem. (Draw and colour a picture according to the topic.)
  • Display the poem in a special place, under the heading ‘YOUNG POETS OF THE CLASS’

  • Find the exercise related to the topic in the textbook. Students must do this exercise in the notebook or on the textbook.


  • Assess students through their responses and written work.
  • You can ask them for formal assessment where they can be asked to give 4 to 5 rhyming words for ‘ell’ and ‘all’ words and then to write a poem on any of the noun made from ‘ell’ or ‘all’ words.

  ‘ell’: bell, tell, cell, sell, fell, hell, well.

  ‘all’: ball, tall, call, mall, fall, hall, wall.

Follow up

  • Ask the students to: learn by heart, a poem from their textbooks.
  • Write a four lines poem on any topic of their selves’ choice.
  • Ask them to learn the poem that they have written in pairs / groups. They must learn it with actions of their own. Ask them to sing their poems with actions, in the next class.
  • Allow them to present it by standing and facing the class. Appreciate the students for their performances.





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