Lesson Planning of Use of Colon Subject English Grade 5th


Lesson Planning of Use of Colon

Subject English

Grade 5th

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Recognize the function of colon and use it before a series of items.

Information for Teachers

  • A colon (: ) is a punctuation mark which can be easily interfering with something else, such as a semicolon (;). When using a colon, is like you are saying a lot more.
  • The Colon (:) is used at the beginning of a list. The phrase before the colon can stand alone. After a colon the pause should be a little longer than period / full stop.
  • There are four seasons: summer, autumn / fall, winter and spring.

  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when applicable.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, things in the classroom / surroundings, chart paper, textbook


  • Hold any three objects in your hand (e.g. pencil, sharpener and eraser) and tell the students about them. Make sure that you give a pause, as such;

  • I have three things in my hand: a pencil, a sharpener and an eraser.
  • Then write this sentence on the board. Encourage some students to do the same but with different objects they have with them.
  • Highlight the use colon in the end.


Activity 1

  • Ask the students to think of the list / words to come after colon in each sentence.
  • Use colon in the right place, as such;
  • In the bag were the following: scissors, a hairbrush and her address book.
  • I play four sports: hockey, football, badminton and cricket.
  • I have 3 hobbies I collect coins, I read, and I knit.
  • I love healthy foods nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
  • You will need to finish three chores polish you shoes, arrange your books and clean your room.

The compass had four directions north, south, east and west.

  • The ingredients of milk shake are as follows milk, mango, sugar, and water.

Activity 2

  • Match to complete the sentences

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Ask the students to explain the rules of using colon with examples.


  • Explain the question to the students and ask to tick mark the sentences with the right use of colon.

  • Tick the right one which shows the correct use of “colon:”

1.      I love: mushrooms, cheese, and omelet.

2.      I like a new house to be all of the following: modern, spacious and airy. The new house was: modern, spacious and airy.

3.      These are a few of my favorite things: kheer, biryani and more kheer. For Lunch I would like: Kheer, Biryani and more kheer.

4.      My favorite fruits are: apple, bananas, and grapes. These are my favourite fruits: apple, banana, and grapes.

5.      In the bag were: scissors, a hairbrush and her address book. In the bag were the following: scissors, a hairbrush and her address book.

  • Ask the students to rewrite the sentences using colon (:).

1.      Here`s what I want you to do bring my bag, go to the shop, and bring apples.

2.      You will need the following back to school items pencils, erasers, and markers.

3.      The places I like to visit are as follows Italy, France and Canada.

4.      I have three more phone calls to make my mom, my sister, and my brother.

5.      You will need to bring three things to the party, food, drink, and a gift for the hostess. The vase contains beautiful flowers: roses, tulips, and daffodils.

  • Teacher is also required to involve the students in solving the problems given in the exercise at the end of unit / chapter.

Follow up

  • Make two sentences using colon. (Different from all the examples done in the classroom)



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