Multiple intelligence & Its Types


Multiple intelligence & Its Types

Basically, the theory of Multiple Intelligence (that was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner, who was a professor at Harvard University), is based on the fact that all people have at least eight forms of intelligence, which appear in different stages of development when they are born.

Gardner, 2011 Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences, defines intelligence as a capacity that is not innate and immovable but can be developed through stimulation. People are not born intelligent; they come into the world with different potentialities. Their intelligence is a consequence of the sum of what is available in the culture that surrounds them, the degree of personal motivation they achieve and the quality of the teaching they receive.

The theory of Multiple Intelligence is organized in light of the biological origins of each one’s ability to solve problems. This is how each one’s intelligence is activated or 'triggered' from certain types of information presented internally or externally. Students have different abilities and therefore learn, memorize, perform and understand in different ways.

According to Howard Gardner and his collaborators at the prestigious Harvard University that academic intelligence through which someone obtained degrees and educational merits is not a conclusive feature in knowing a person's intelligence capability.

Howard Gardner points out that there are strong cases in which people have extremely developed cognitive abilities, compare to this, others very poorly developed their intelligence: so we can give reference the case of savants to prove the idea of Howard Gardner. Who despite having a poor reasoning ability in general, was able to memorize maps and entire books, in practically all their details?

Such types of the exceptional cases that made Gardner to think that intelligence do not exist in it-selves, rather, that there are actually many other independent intelligence that affect the intelligence criteria accordingly. The Theory of Multiple Intelligence proposes eight types of intelligence so these are as follows:

The Types of Intelligence:

So there are some question in our mind that Why are some children better at sports, others at math, and others at painting, reading, or playing an instrument? The answer seems simple and full of meaning: because each child has their own motivations and talents, which they develop at their own pace and differently from others intelligence.

Gardner argues that each child evolves with his own needs. Thus, a child who does not show concern for language, for example, could have great ability in the field of mathematics and spatial intelligence. This is the conclusion reached by the neuropsychologist and educator at Harvard University, Howard Gardner, in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence.. We are going to learn more about each of the intelligence proposed by Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence below.

1.     Linguistic intelligence:
These children are skilled and have preferences for activities such as reading, talking, telling jokes, writing stories and poems, learning languages, and playing word games. Linguistic intelligence not only refers to the ability for oral communication, but to other ways of communicating such as writing, gestures, etc. Those who best master this ability to communicate have superior linguistic intelligence. Professions in which this type of intelligence stands out could be politicians, writers, poets, journalists, actors...

2.     Logical-mathematical intelligence:
This ability to solve problems is very striking and is usually related to a type of non-verbal intelligence, that is, he can know the answer to a certain problem long before verbalizing it. Children with this type of intelligence are good at solving mysteries or brain teasers, doing puzzles, doing logic exercises, counting or doing calculations, computer problems, and playing strategy games.
3.     Spatial intelligence:
This type of intelligence has the ability to think in three dimensions. The people who develop it are skilled in solving spatial problems such as drawing and painting, reading maps, looking at pictures, solving mazes or playing construction games.
4.     Musical intelligence:
It is typical of children with an innate ability to learn different sounds, which translates into a great ability to sing, listen to music, play instruments, compose songs, enjoy concerts and follow different rhythms.
5.     Kinesthetic-corporal intelligence:
It is the ability to use the whole body in the expression of ideas and feelings, and the ease in using the hands to transform elements. Children who manifest it are good at dancing, acting, imitating gestures or expressions, playing sports, running, moving and jumping.
6.     Intrapersonal intelligence:

Distinguish those who know themselves best. These children like to work autonomously, they set goals and focus on achieving them, they understand their feelings and they know what their strengths and weaknesses are.
7.     Interpersonal intelligence:

As opposed to interpersonal intelligence, it is common among people who are good at talking, teamwork, helping others, mediating conflicts, and meeting new people.
8.     Naturalistic intelligence:

Related to the taste for environmental issues, plants and animals. These children enjoy doing activities such as camping, hiking, caring for animals, learning about nature, recycling and caring for the environment.





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