Lesson Plan of Ascending & Descending Order
Lesson Planning of Ascending & Descending
Subject Mathematics
Grade 2nd
Students` Learning Outcomes
§ Arrange numbers up to 999, written in mixed form, in increasing or decreasing orders.
§ Identify numbers given in ascending or descending orders.
Information for Teachers
§ Ascending order means the arrangement of numbers from smallest to greatest.
§ Descending order means the arrangement of numbers from greatest to smallest.
§ With the help of the concept of comparison we arrange numbers in ascending or descending orders.
/ Resources
board, chalk / marker, duster, textbook
- Tell the students, that sometimes backward counting is very useful for the identification of numbers.
- Specifically
when we are moving towards a destination ascending order and descending order
are very important.
- Tell them that in descending order we move from greatest number to smallest number and in ascending order ewe move from smallest numbers to greatest numbers.
- Tell them that we can use the word moving forward instead of ascending order and moving backward instead of descending order.
For example;
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
This arrangement is ascending order.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
This arrangement is descending order.
- Draw square boxes on the floor of classroom with the help of chalk and write numbers 91-100 in them.
- Ask one student to stand in the box having number 91 and moves forward to the box having number 100.
- Call another student and ask him to stand in the box with number 100 and move backward to 91.
- Ask the students where he was and where he has reached now?
- Now explain the students that moving from 91 to 100 is ascending order.
- Whereas, moving from 100 – 91 descending order.
- Write on the board.
Activity 2
- Write the following numbers on the board.
426, 425, 429, 427, 428
- Tell the students that we are going to arrange these numbers in ascending order.
- In ascending we arrange numbers from smallest to greatest.
- Ask students to start writing numbers from downward direction to the upward directions. I.e.
- Write the following numbers on the board.
- Demonstrate the students that arrangement of numbers from greatest to smallest is called descending order.
- Explain the students that moving backward it is known as descending order.
Activity 3
- Draw the following on the board.
- Ask the students to arrange the numbers in ascending in order in their notebooks.
- Observe their work and guide them.

- Ask the students to arrange the numbers in descending order.
Sum up / Conclusion
- Arrange from smallest to greatest numbers is called ascending order. For example counting from 1 to 10 (1, 2, 3….10)
- Counting from greatest to smallest numbers is known as descending order for example counting from 10 to 1 (10, 9, 8….1)
- Write the missing numbers in the following ascending order.
110, 111 __,__114 ____, 116, ____,118, ____, 120
- Arrange the following numbers in descending order.
Follow up
- When we go up upstairs what kind of order is it?
- When we come downstairs what kind of order is it?
- Ask the students to solve the questions given in their textbook.
Nice lesson plan
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