Lesson Planning of Listening & Speaking Skills Subject English Grade 1st /2nd


Lesson Planning of Listening & Speaking Skills

Subject English

Grade 1st /2nd

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Articulate, recognize and use some formulaic expressions to:
  • Offer and respond to basic routine greetings.
  • Express and offer a few basic social courtesies.
  • Listen and respond to a few and then more commands.
  • Introduce self and talk about family.
  • Seek permission to do something.
  • Demonstrate the use of common conventions and dynamics of group oral interactions:
  • Introduce them-selves.
  • Recite poems.
  • Describe things and objects in surroundings.
  • Use appropriate body language for different communicative functions.

Information for Teachers

  • Formulaic expression means expressing greetings, farewell and apologies e.g. Hello, Hi, sorry, goodbye, etc.

  • Demonstration means to show oneself doing something.
  • Recitation of poems means singing poems.
  • Communicative function means to request, to question, to introduce them-selves.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, textbook, notebooks


Routine greetings:

  • As you start the class says: Assalam o Alikum students. How are you? Encourage the students to say Alikum Assalam we are fine thank you.

  • Now children ask:
  • Teacher: how are you?
  • Practice this daily with the students and keep adding social courtesy expressions to the greetings.
  • As an introduction activity divide the class into pairs.
  • Ask the students to practice the dialogues given below in pairs and present it before the class.


Activity 1

Listen and Respond

  • Say to the class: ‘Stand up’. As you say it make a gesture with your hands that shows what you are doing?

  • As all students stand up, say ‘sit down’ and use your hands to show what you are saying?
  • Practice a few times. Now ask a child to give the commands and the rest of the class to follow.
  • Repeat with other commands like: touch your head / shoulders/knees/ toes / nose etc.
  • Open / shut the door;
  • Open / close your books;
  • Take out your pencils;
  • Write on the board; and so on.
  • Each time use your hands to show what to do.
  • Don`t translate.
  • In each case give students a chance to practice the sentences in pairs and groups.
  • When the students have understood a number of commands you can do this as a fun game / activity.

  • Give commands, use a new word or say a sentence which the students respond to with an action. Give the following commands:
  • Stand up
  • Sit down
  • Go and shut the door.
  • Turn to your left.

(Clapping can be added to the activity)

  • Note: you may select any command related to the topic from the textbook and ask the students to practice and present it.

Activity 2

Show and Tell

  • Ask the students to observe carefully, and show them a picture or an object or do an action. Children guess what the picture / action shows. Repeat the new word several times.
  • Ask children to bring some pictures to the class and tell the class what they are? This activity helps build up the children`s vocabulary.
  • Next show them small sentences, verses or rhymes written on cards or writing board and read it out aloud.

  • The children must listen several times before repeating the new words / phrases

Activity 4

  • Introduce self and talk about family (Speaking Skills) (Class Activity)

  • Tell the students: today I am going to tell you a story.
  • Show them a picture of a boy / girl and say as;

This is Omar / Nadirs

He / she is 7 years old

Her father`s name is……

He / she has 1 brother and 1 sister

  • Ask the students to introduce them-selves and their families. Ask them to tell their names, ages, class and talk about their family members` names.
  • Practice with several students guiding them gently to use the correct sentence structure. Ask other students to guide the presenters also.
  • Students can repeat the activity in pairs / groups so that all get a chance to practice

Activity 5

Seeking permission to do something:

  • Encourage students to ask for something they need or seek permission for something. They should practice these sentences in English. Encourage them to use the words ‘may I’ before each request e.g. may I come in? May I go to the washroom/ may I borrow your pencil? Etc.
  • Children need to practice these sentences and can do so as a dialogue presentation or role play.

  • You may take the same type of dialogue from the text book and ask the students to practice it.

Activity 6

Reciting a poem

Listening & Speaking Skills

Class activity

Select a poem from the textbook and recite with proper expressions. Ask the students to recite the poem by following the same expressions.

Activity 7

Describing Things

Speaking Skills

Group Work

  • Divide the class in groups and every group should be asked to describe a different thing, such as;

Group 5 will describe ‘this chair’ (pointing to a chair) e.g. The chair is made of wood. It has four legs. Its colour is black and so on. 

Activity 8

  • Using Body Language for Communicative Functions
  • Ask the students to show sadness, anger, pleasure, agreement, etc. in different situations, such as;

  • Say ‘sad’ and students make a sad face…. Say ‘happy’ and students smile and make happy face… say angry and students make angry face.
  • Now one student says the word and others make the expressions. Repeat the activity as a dialogue and drama e.g.
  • Teacher: you are a good student.
  • Akram: Thanks, Sir! (Smiles)

  • Students in pairs make up their own such ‘dramas’ and act them out.


  • The following activities may be used for assessment:

Listen and Respond

  • Ask one student of the class to come in front and do as directed, such as;
  • Teacher: Touch your nose. (The student touches his/ her nose) in this way, this activity can be continued as long as the time allows.

Follow up

  • Introduce yourself

  • Divide the class into pairs and ask them to introduce them-selves






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