Lesson Planning of Measurement of Lines Subject Mathematics Grade 5th


Lesson Planning of Measurement of Lines

Subject Mathematics

Grade 5th

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Measure length of a line in centimetres and millimetres using ruler and divider
  • Draw a straight line of given length using a ruler

Information for Teachers

  • Steps for measuring a line with a divider:

  • Divider: Open the divider so that its two edges touch each end of the line.
  • Place one side of the divider in front of mark Zero of the scale.
  • Read the mark where the other side of the divider is touching the scale.
  • Record your observation.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, wooden geometry box, one sheet of chart paper cut in small strips and one line of different lengths drawn on each, one chart paper cut into small strips with different measurements written on each


  • Measure the length by using divider.

  • Recall the use of the ruler with students.
  • Draw different lines on a board and identify straight lines with the help of students.
  • Clean the board.
  • Old the big wooden scale in your hand and measure the length of any object, such as; a chair, table or a notebook.

  • Introduce the topic of measuring length.


Activity 1

Measuring with a ruler

  • Ask students to take out their rulers and read the scales on it.
  • Let them recall what they learned in the 3rd grade about measuring lengths with a ruler.

  • Draw their attention to the small markings between the centimetres and introduce the term ‘millimetre’.
  • Ask them to measure the length of their geometry boxes or books and collect their readings.
  • Some might be able to do so. Then give your input as follows:

  • Keep the ruler along the side of the geometry box you want to measure.
  • Make sure that the Zero of the scale lies along the starting point of the side to be measured.
  • Read the scale. The number with the longer line shows centimetres. How many centimetres is your ruler?
  • Count the small lines after the cm reading you’re got.
  • These numbers are millimetres.
  • Hold a pen in your hand and demonstrate its measurement with a ruler. Explain the measurement to the students, such as;
  • My pencil has got longer lines till 8 and then 7 shorter lines. Hence, its length is 8 cm and 7 mm.
  • Repeat the steps with any other small object so that they are clear.
  • Ask the students to get ready for pair work.
  • Distribute the card board strip to each of the pair and ask them to measure its length and write on the strip as Centimeter (CM) and Millimetre (MM).
  • Exchange work with the pair sitting next to them and ask them to check the work done.

Activity 2

Measuring with a divider

  • Now ask them to recall the use of the divider from the last class.
  • Demonstrate how to measure using a divider as in key point 1.
  • Ask students to get ready for the activity.
  • Repeat the steps verbally.
  • Ask them to perform all the steps on the cardboard strips you have already given to each pair.

  • Ask if the measurement is the same as before.
  • Students will attempt questions from the book individually and announce the answers o the whole class.

Activity 3

  • Now Invite students to the board to review whatever has been done up till now of measurement of lines.
  • Take the wooden scale and draw a line of 15 cm on the board and ask how many of them can draw a line of 5 cm on their copies .(just to provoke their interest)

  • Say each of the steps in the key point loudly and perform each of it on the board.
  • Ask students to repeat the steps with you for the same figure done on the board.
  • Distribute the strips with measurements written and ask them to draw lines on the strips. Also ask them to draw lines on the strips. Also ask them to write their names. Announce the time limit.
  • Then collect the strips to be checked by you.
  • Assign them different questions like 3 cm and 6 mm, 4 cm and 6 mm, 20 mm, 7 cm etc. and announce the time limit.
  • Ask them to recheck their lengths by using divider and scale.
  • Follow the procedure by peer checking.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Conclude the lesson with briefly revise the contents.


  • Prepare a worksheet with some questions like measure the length of left side of the given pictures / frames / cuttings.

Follow up

  • Tell the students to measure the length of their father`s / mother`s index finger.
  • Next day, return the steps with encouraging remarks. For wrong attempts write the steps for correct by students 









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