Subject Mathematics

Grade 2nd

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Develop multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 till the multiplication 1 x 10.
  • Multiply numbers within multiplication table.
  • Verify communicative property of multiplication.
  • Solve real life problems related to multiplication.

Information for Teachers

  • Multiplication tables are helpful in mathematical calculations.
  • Students knowing multiplication tables can solve arithmetic problems easily.
  • While multiplying numbers, order of numbers does n`t matter, e.g. 3 x 4 = 12 and 4 x 3 = 12 are showing the same result.

  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when applicable.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, match sticks / stones, chart paper (as shown below), 20 balls / buttons


Activity 1

  • Show the following chart paper to the students and ask them. 

    1. How many triangles are in 1 square? (Expected answer would be as; 3)
    2. How many triangles are in 2 square? (Expected answer would be as; 6)
    3. How many triangles are in 3 squares? (Expected answer would be as; 9)
    4. How many triangles are in 4 squares? (Expected answer would be as; 12)
    5. How many triangles are in 5 squares? (Expected answer would be as; 15)
    6. How many triangles are in 6 squares? (Expected answer would be as; 18)
    7. How many triangles are in 7 squares? (Expected answer would be as; 21)
    8. How many triangles are in 8 squares? (Expected answer would be as; 24)
    9. How many triangles are in 9 squares? (Expected answer would be as; 27)
    10. How many triangles are in 10 squares? (Expected answer would be as; 30)


Activity 1

Call one of the students and ask him to raise his hands.

  • Ask from the remaining students, how many students are there? (Expected answer would be as; 1)
  • How many hands? (Expected answer would be as; 2)
  • Ask how many times 2? (Expected answer would be as; 1 times 2)
  • Ask one student to write on the board 1 x 2 = 2.
  • Ask another student to come and raise his hands too.
  • Ask again, how many students are there? (Expected answer would be as; 2)
  • How many hands? (Expected answer would be as; 4)
  • How many times 2? (Expected answer would be as; 2 times 2)
  • As another student to write on the board 2 x 2 = 4
  • Similarly the student up to ‘10’ will come on their turn one by one and raise their hands.

  • Repeat the same questions every time and deduce the table of 2 from students and also write on the board. 

Activity 2

  • Divide them with match sticks and give instructions as under: 
  • While groups are working, teacher role will be as facilitator. Take round in the groups, offering help and guidance wherever required.
  • After completion, ask to present their work in front of the whole class.
  • Since students will be writing the tables for the first time, it may be a good idea to ask them to write only till times 5, check their work and then ask them to write up to times 10. For example they write the table of 4 up to 4 x 5 = 20.

Activity 3

  • Divide the class into four groups.
  • Write on the board, 5 x 2 = 10
  • Provide them 10 balls / buttons.
  • Ask them to arrange these things in groups of ‘2’ e.g. 
  • How many groups? (Expected answer would be as; 2)
  • Ask them to write in statement (e.g. five groups of two)
  • Ask from the students, can you arrange these ‘10’ balls in other way by putting equal number of things in each group?
  • Give them time, ask them to think and try.
  • Help them to arrange ‘10’ balls in group of ‘5’, e.g. 
  • Ask them to write in statement as well as in multiplication, e.g. 2 x 5
  • Ask them how many things in two groups of ‘5’ (Expected answer would be as; 10)
  • How many balls in ‘5’ groups of ‘2’? (Expected answer would be as; 10)
  • Tell and write on the board ‘5’ groups of ‘2’ balls = ‘2’ groups of ‘5’ balls or 5 x 2 = 2 x 5 = 10
  • Repeat this activity by changing the number of ball / buttons.

Activity 4

  • Draw the following tables one by one on the board.
  • Ask each student to copy the first table and fill in it.
  • Fill one or two blank boxes collectively on the board so the process becomes clear to the students.
  • Explain that the numbers in the vertical and the horizontal lines will be multiplied (as shown by the ‘x’ sign on the top left). The answer will be written in the block that is in the same row and the same column as the two numbers being multiplied.
  • Revise the tables from 2 – 5 orally with the whole class before the students start to fill the boxes.
  • Encourage students to try and fill these individually. If they don`t know the answer to a block, they can fill it later when the solution is shared in the class. At this point they should not be asking the answer from each other.
  • Once students have completed one table, cross check the answers collectively and then repeat the process with the other 3 tables. 

Sum up / Conclusion 

  • We have learnt that different sets of groups / things are written in the form of tables, e.g. 2 times 3 or 2 x 3 =

  • If we multiply two numbers, and change their position, the result remains the same; it is known as commutative property w, r, and t ‘x’ e.g. 2 x 3 = 3 x 2)


Follow up

  • Ask students to complete the multiplication table up to ‘10’

  • Ask the students to solve the questions given in their textbook.










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