Subject Mathematics

Grade 2nd

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Know the number of hours in a day and number of minutes in an hour.

Information for Teachers

  • There are 1 to 12 numbers on a clock dial. These numbers shows hours.
  • There are sixty small lines on a clock dial. One line shows one minute. Hence sixty lines show sixty minutes.
  • There are two hands on clock dial o identify minutes and hours, along with there is a third thin hand which represents seconds.
  • When minute hand completes one round on dial, the hour hand moves from one digit to next digit i.e. there are 60 minutes in one hour so 1 hour = 60 minutes.
  • When hour hand completes one round then 12 hours passed and it is called half day.
  • When hour hand completes & another round than further 12 hours passed so it is called one day, i.e. there are 24 hours in a day as such; 24 hours = 1 day.
  • The hour hand takes two round of a clock in one day (day & night)

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, analog clock having date, work sheet of clock dials without hands (4 sets), colour pencils, textbook


Activity 1

  • Ask following questions from students:
  • When do you get up in the morning?
  • When do you take your breakfast?
  • When do you go to school?
  • When you go to sleep at night?
  • Listen table of five from different students.
  • Ask about minute and hour hand by showing a clock to students.
  • Show different time in complete hours on analog clock and ask students to tell the time.

Activity 2

  • Divide the class into four groups.
  • Provide them worksheets of five clock dials without hands and different time written below these:

8:30am,   7:30am,    5:15am,    11:25am,     2:40am,   8:30pm,   7:30pm,  5:15pm,   11:25,   2:40 img

  • Ask them to draw hands on each dial according to indicated time and colour the hands.
  • Ask them to present their work in front of class so that mistakes are identified.
  • Encourage the winner group.


Activity 1

  • Provide an analog clock having numbers and prominent lines of minutes to students in groups.   Img
  • Ask students to observe the clock and tell the things you can see. (Accepted answer would be as; hands, small lines, number etc.)
  • Ask students to tell number of small lines after counting. Similarly ask them to tell number of lines from one number to the next number.
  • Now by showing an analog clock to students, tell that these small lines show minutes. There are five lines from one number to the next number. Hence there are sixty lines on a whole dial. (I.e. 5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5=60)
  • One line shows one minute, hence 60 lines show 60 minutes.
  • The minute hand tells minutes by moving on these lines.
  • Ask the time from students by showing 12 o`clock on clock.
  • Now move the minute hand on lines one by one and count with students like one minute, two minute, three minute…… sixty minute. Also write 60 minute on board.
  • Ask time from students. (1 o`clock)
  • Tell the students that the numbers from 1 to 12 represent hours and hour hand tells the hours by moving on these numbers. When it moves one hour passed.
  • Ask students to observe that along with minute hand hour hand also move, as now when minute hand completes 60 minute so meanwhile, the hour hand move from 12 to 1.
  • Hence 1 hour i.e. 60 minute complete.
  • Now again start from 1 o`clock and by moving the minute hand on lines one by one, count minutes with students like one minute, two minute, three minute…..sixty minute. Also write 60 minute on board.
  • Ask time from students. (2 o`clock)
  • Ask students, now the minute hand complete how many minutes? (60 minute)
  • Ask students, now how many hours complete? (One hour)
  • Conclude that there are 60 minutes in one hour. 1 hour = 60 minutes
  • Tell the students that when minute hour complete second round another hour passed, hence two hours passed.

Activity 2

  • Repeat the above activity for three hours, four hours…. Twelve hours and ask questions from students as well.
  • Tell the students, when 12 hours complete i.e. the hour hand complete one round of a dial then we say the half day passed.
  • Similarly when hour hand complete second round of a dial then further 12 hours complete and hence it is called one day.
  • Conclude that there are twenty four hours in one day. 24 hours = 1 day.
  • One day consists of day and night.
  • We count one day from midnight 12 o’clock to the next midnight 12 o`clock. Img
  • Ask students that the hour hand complete how many rounds of a dial in 24 hours.
  • Ask students to move minute hand on minutes and observe hours and minutes on the clocks given to you.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • There are 1 to 12 numbers on a clock dial. These numbers show hours.
  • There are sixty small lines on a clock dial. One line shows one minute hence sixty lines show sixty minutes.
  • There are two hands on clock dial to identify minutes and hours. so the minute hand move fastly on lines.
  • When minute hand completes one round on clock dial, 1 hour or 60 minute passed, as such; i.e. 1 hour = 60 minutes.
  • When our hand completes two rounds on clock dial, 1 day or 24 hours passed.
  • Such as; 1 day  has 24 hours.


  • How many hours are there in one day?
  • How many minutes are there in one hour?
  • When one minute hand moves from 1 to 4 how much time has passed?
  • For three hours, how many rounds minute hand will complete on clock dials.
  • For three hours, how many rounds minute hand will complete on clock dial?
  • When does the hour hand moves from one digit to next digit?
  • Ask what you have learnt from this lesson?

Follow up

  • Students make a model of analog clock with the help of hard sheet, card sheet, ice-cream sticks, thumb pin, gum etc. and show minute lines with match sticks or beads.
  • Ask the students to solve the questions given in their textbook





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