Subject Mathematics

Grade 2nd

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to:
  • Identify the figures like square, rectangle, triangle, circle, semi-circle and quarter circle.
  • Identify vertices and sides of a triangle, rectangle and square.

Information for Teachers

  • Students already have a good idea of different basic shapes so start the lesson by using these ideas.
  • The shapes having only length and width are called two dimensional (2D) shapes e.g. square, rectangle, triangle etc.
  • The shapes having length, width and height as well are called three dimensional (3D) shapes e.g. book, box, geometry box, cupboard, door etc.
  • Circle and oval shapes have no corners and four sides.
  • Triangle has three corners and three sides.
  • A vertex is the corner of any shape. Its plural is called vertices.
  • It is necessary for teacher to understand comprehensively the mathematical terms e.g. e.gcorners or vertices, sides, circle, semi-circle, quarter circle.
  • During this lesson teacher should concern the textbook where and when needed.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, glass, card sheet, scissors, 2D shapes model (triangle, rectangle and square), sign board, electric board, charts, cover of lunch boxes, slate, bed sheets, doppatta, plastic sheet, textbook


  • Ask following questions from the whole class:

What is the shape of the board of classroom?

  • Identify the corners of this board.                (4)
  • How many sides does this board have?       (4)
  • Show them one note book, ask about its shape, corner and the number of sides it has.
  • Repeat the same with different objects of different shapes.
  • Give them few cutouts of square, rectangle and triangles and ask them to sort out similar shapes.

Activity 1

  • Show the students cut outs of different shapes like square, rectangle and triangle.
  • Ask them to tell the names of these shapes.
  • Help them in telling name of shapes.

  • Ask them to give examples from their surroundings of the objects similar to these shapes.
  • Draw a “shapes house” and ask them to identify shapes.

Activity 2

  • Demonstrate to the students how they can make a circle, semi-circle, and quarter circle by using a card sheet or piece of paper.
  • Take a card sheet or piece of paper and draw a circle with the help of a glass. Cut this circle with the help of scissors. 
  • Show and tell them that this is called circle.
  • Ask one of the students to fold this circle into two halves. Now open the circle and cut it into two equal parts along the folding line.
  • Show both half`s circle and tell them that each part is called a semi-circle.
  • You may refer back to the concept of fractions at this point.
  • Tell the students that each semi-circle is ½ or half of the original circle.
  • Ask two of the students to take a semi-circle and fold it into two halves. Cut each semicircle into two equal parts along the folding line. Show cut part of a semicircle to students and tells them that each part is known as a quarter circles.
  • You may remind them of fractions at this point.
  • Remind them that in fraction term “a quarter” is written as ¼.
  • Sum up the activity by explaining that a circle is equally divided in two parts.
  • Each part is called semicircle and each of those two semicircles is further divided into two quarter circles and hence / there are four quarters in a circle. 

Activity 3

  • Divide the class in groups of four.
  • Provide each group with different shapes cards e.g.
  • Tell each group to highlight / colour the corners of each shape.
  • Give them some time for discussion within groups.
  • Ask any two groups to present their work for whole class and point out corners in each shape.
  • Encourage other students to ask different questions from presenters to clear the concept further.
  • Sum up the activity by explaining that a corner of any shape is called vertex, explain about the sides of shapes as well. Be sure about the use of Mathematical vocabulary. 

Activity 4

  • Show a plate of square shape to the student. (Carton)
  • Ask students to tell sides and vertices of the plate.
  • Put a mark or a line on the vertex which they have already counted to avoid from second time counting.
  • Facilitate if they find difficulty in identification of vertices and sides.
  • Repeat the same procedure by showing them different 2D objects e.g. sign board, electric board, charts, cover of lunch boxes, slate etc.

Activity 5

  • Divide the class in four groups.
  • Provide each group different 2D objects e.g. paper, plastic sheet, bed sheet, doppatta etc.
  • Ask them to identify and explain the sides and vertices of these objects to each other within group.
  • Sum up the activity by asking following questions:
  • How many sides and vertices does a square and a rectangle has?
  • How many sides and vertices does a triangle has?

Activity 6

  • Provide them a work sheet with different shapes drawn on it, or draw these on the board for the students to copy on their notebooks.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Square and rectangle have four corners and four sides.
  • Triangle has three corners and three sides.
  • A vertex is the corner of any shape. Its plural is vertices.
  • If we divide whole circle in two parts, the two semi-circles are formed and if a semi-circle is divided in two parts, two quarter circles are formed.


  • Draw different shapes on board and label them with the help of students.
  • Ask following questions from students:
  • What is the appropriate word for corner? (Mathematical vocabulary)
  • How many sides and vertices does your class room wall have?
  • Teacher is also required to involve the students in solving the problems given in the exercise at end of unit / chapter.

Follow up

  • Ask students to draw different shapes e.g. square, rectangle, triangle, circle, semi-circle and quarter circle in their note nooks.
  • Ask them to colour their vertices and write how many sides each shape have?
  • Ask the students to solve the questions given in their textbook.
  • Ask the students to draw things which are found in kitchen. 



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