
Lesson Planning of Questions and Answers Subject English Grade V

  Lesson Planning of Questions and Answers Subject English Grade V Students` Learning Outcomes Recognize the function of different question words and key words to write appropriate short answers Information for Teachers Questions help us get information. Question words, often used are ‘wh- questions’: ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘why’, ‘how’, ‘when’, ‘who’, ‘whose’. Key words are the main words required to make sentences and share ideas. A list is given for reference. Note: Students should be encouraged to ask questions. While teaching the lesson, use textbook at all steps wherein and whenever it is applicable. Material / Resources Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, textbook, a poster to be prepared by the teacher and displayed in front of the class, key words poster, flower, notebook, pencil or any other class material could also be used Introduction Place a flower, notebook, pencil or duster on your desk or anywhere, where all students can see it. Inform studen

Lesson Planning of Elements of Story Subject English Grade V

  Lesson Planning of Elements of Story Subject English Grade V Students` Learning Outcomes Identify the elements of a story. Beginning, middle, and end of a conflict. Human / animal, imaginary characters and their roles Dialogues Setting Information for Teachers The teacher should be able to read out the story to the class using effective intonation and expression to capture the interest of the students. The purpose of a story is to entertain. Interesting characters and setting, a good beginning, middle and end the logical sequence of events /actions make the story interesting. Each story has a problem or conflict to solve. The characters of the story are the people/animals in the story which do all the actions. If the characters are animals and the story has a moral also stories are called fables. Dialogues are all the sentences/statements given to characters. Setting is the ‘place’ and ‘time’ when the story takes place. The beginning introduces characters, the set

Lesson Planning of Silent Reading with Comprehension Subject English Grade V

  Lesson Planning of Silent Reading with Comprehension Subject English Grade V Students` Learning Outcomes Read silently and with comprehension. Information for Teachers Reading has two aspects: as; Loud reading Silent reading Silent reading helps students concentrate on the meaning of the text and makes it more meaningful. Students concentrate on important information related to the text and understand it better. It helps students infer meanings of the difficult words from context. Infer means to understand the meaning of words and text when there are no direct clues given in the text. Inference requires looking at context (background, setting, information and topic) of the text. They understand and answer questions given at the end of the passage for comprehension. Material/Resources Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, textbook, a comprehension passage with questions selected from the textbook. Introduction Select a passage of your choice from the

Lesson Planning of Sentence Structure Subject English Grade V

  Lesson Planning of Sentence Structure Subject English Grade V

Lesson Planning of Use of Colon Subject English Grade V

  Lesson Planning of Use of Colon Subject English Grade V Students` Learning Outcomes Recognize the function of colon and use it before a series of items. Information for Teachers The colon (: ) is used at the beginning of a list. The phrase before the colon can stand alone. After a colon the pause should be a little longer than period/full stop, as; There are four seasons: summer, autumn/fall, winter and spring. While teaching the lesson, consult the textbook at all steps wherein and whenever it is applicable. Material / Resources Writing board, chalk/marker, things in classroom / surroundings, chart paper, textbook, duster Introduction Hold any three objects in your hand (e.g. pencil, sharpener and eraser) and tell the students about them. Make sure that you give a pause, as; I have three things in my hand: a pencil, a sharpener and an eraser. Then write this sentence on the writing board. Ask some students to come forward and bring three or four things wi

Lesson Planning of Functions of Pronouns and Transitional Devices Subject English Grade V

  Lesson Planning of Functions of Pronouns and Transitional Devices Subject English Grade V Students` Learning Outcomes Identify and recognize the function of pronouns and transitional devices. Information for Teachers Transitional devices bring more sense in a paragraph by linking the idea in one sentence with another idea in the next sentence. Transitional devices can be pronouns, transitional words and phrases and punctuation marks. In this lesson common transitional devices will be used they are: as; And, but, or, then, firstly, secondly, lastly, in brief, again, for example, similarity, therefore, then, etc. Students need practice of these transitional devices. If the textbook has different transitional devices then change this plan accordingly to teach those transitional devices first. Teach these ones later in some other lessons during the year. While teaching the lesson, consult the textbook at all steps wherein and whenever applicable. Material / Reso